Friday, April 1, 2011

Rating System

After starting this blog it occurred to me that I needed a rating system for the restaurants I blog about and I could not do something boring like points or stars so after a lot of thinking I decided to do PIGS! Why pigs? Because the better the meal the more "pig out worthy" the restaurant is..lets be real no one wants to waste pig out calories on a bad or ok restaurant. So here you have it:

A skinny pig =blah meal. Blah meaning the meal was nothing special, would not choose to go back there for one of my cheat measl and would not recommend it to anyone. Not cheat worthy hence the skinny pig.

A normal size pig= OK meal. Enjoyed the food, left the restaurant satisfied, but did not do a happy dance while savoring each bite. I would go back at some point but probably not for a while.

A chunky pig= Great meal! Worth every calorie:) Would definitely recommend this restaurant to friends and could eat there on a regular basis. It is the type of place you bring guests from out of town to in order to show off the culinary greatness that your city has to offer.

There are 2 categories that I have not talked about:

1. NO PIG= Horrible bad the pig disappeared from starvation i.e. food was not even worth eating!
2. Pig Over the Moon= now this is a very special category. This rating is saved for top meals of ALL TIME. Still working on finding the perfect picture:)

So there you have it...let the cheating begin!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Since the Beginning of Time (my time)

Since I was a little girl I have had to worry about what I eat. I would go to a restaurant, read the menu throughly, and think to myself "If I could eat whatever I wanted I would order this but instead I am ordering this because I have to watch my weight" and thus dinning out was never fun. When I got engaged on Christmas of 2008 I decided that if there was ever a time to look my absolute best it was my wedding day. I decided early on that I would loose those extra 20 pounds slowly so I would not be forced at the last minute to try some extreme crash diet. I started getting my meals at a place called My Fit Foods where you can pick up your pre-made breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks which where perfectly portioned and had the exact ratio of calories, protein and fats that you needed. My Fit Food's philosophy is that if you are trying to loose weight and you eat right every meal, six days a week, you could give yourself ONE cheat meal a week where you allowed yourself to eat WHATEVER you wanted without feeling guilty. WHAT A CONCEPT! Eat whatever you wanted without guilt and you would still loose weight??? After one year of following the "My Fit Foods" theory of 5 to 6 small meals a day with a weekly cheat meal and travel weekends off (the travel weekends was my addition to the theory)..I lost ALL 20 pounds by my wedding and thats how the weekly CHEAT MEAL idea was introduced to me. It has been almost a year after our wedding and I still follow the same rules (of course not as strict since now I am working on maintaining my weight) that helped me loose the 20 pounds. Since I only get one Cheat Meal a week I make darn sure its a special meal at a special place and therefore I have started this blog in order to share how that special weekly Cheat Meal and travel cheat weekends are spent.